Social purpose
Stimulating positive change
At L&G Reinsurance, we actively seek out opportunities to invest in sustainable, socially responsible ways. We are passionate about the projects we undertake and believe they can stimulate positive change in our community and the world.
Supporting our students
We take a holistic approach to helping children by partnering with schools, PTAs, and youth organisations to ensure we contribute effectively. Through office-based experiential learning activities, interaction with business and community leaders, and mentoring, we open the doors of opportunity to students from underprivileged backgrounds. Our Lighthouse Connect initiative was created to provide free laptops to Bermuda’s public-school students to support their learning through the pandemic and beyond.
Scholarships and internships
We work with the Association of Bermuda Insurance Companies (ABIC) and Bermuda International Long-Term Insurers and Reinsurers (BILTIR) to provide university scholarships and internships opportunities to talented students. We contribute funding and mentoring to provide encouragement, practical support, and guidance especially for young people whose access to these opportunities have been limited.
Serving the community together
Our Corporate Social Responsibility team meet regularly to plan how we can engage in meaningful company-wide acts of service that will benefit the community at large. From making hands-on improvements to our island environment to raising funds for causes that share our values, all our staff members dedicate their time and skills to bettering Bermuda.